Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pixie, the radar kitten.

Pixie has become a miniature radar, and she hates it! She was sent to the vets on Monday to get fixed, and I picked her up last night. Because she now has two stitches in her belly, she has to wear an 'e-collar', which is the professional term for the cone, to stop her from licking the cut, and possibly taking out the stitches. She was not happy when I picked her up (she doesn't like being in her carry cage) and was even less happy riding home in the Jeep (which is very bumpy) from North Gower. I then found out that she was so unhappy for part of the trip, because she needed to use the little kittens room. As soon as I let her out of her cage, she immediately went in search of the litter box.

The vets told us that we needed to keep her in a confined space, with no running or jumping for 14 days! I don't think that it's possible at all for a kitten not to run and jump. I kept her in the bathroom for the evening while Amanda I were out for the evening, and I felt really bad leaving her in there, cause we have a really small bathroom. When we got home, we let her out and I proceeded to make fun of her and lots of pictures, just because she looks so funny!

It's really funny watching her trying to get into an area she normally can get into, but can't now because of the cone. She will try, then walk around in a circle and try again. Eventually she'll give up, only to return later and try again! Sometimes she can into small spots (like in between the couches, or behind the toilet) but then can't turn around, so she has to back out. I think she's a little depressed also, cause sometimes we'll find her just sitting on her hind legs, with her head held down a bit (either cause she's depressed, or cause the cone is heavy for her). She'll just sit there like that, ignoring our calls, not even looking at us, until we go over and pick her up.

I was actually surprised this morning when we woke up and she still had the cone on! I figured she would have either found some way to wiggle out of it, or it would have gotten caught on something while she was running around all night and ripped off of her. I'll be even more impressed if it stays on all day of her being alone.

Here are some shots of how funny/pathetic she looks:


Anonymous said...

she looks so sad and discouraged
:( the pictures bring back memories of merle and her cone!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say the same thing, she does not seem impressed.