Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Concert Friday, kids Saturday, pool party Sunday

Back in August I was looking at the Scotiabank web page and saw that Fall Out Boy was coming to town in November. I got really excited, and was hoping that work would get tickets for the box. Two weeks before the concert I sent an e-mail upto Nancy (she does all the draws for the tickets) asking if she knew if we had the box for that concert. She replied saying that she didn't know yet, and she would send out the usual e-mail if we did. The next day she sent out an e-mail saying we had tickets for Fall out Boy!! I put my name in right away, and couldn't wait till Monday to see if I had got them. Monday came around, and I got the tickets! Then later in the week, Angie didn't want her tickets, so she offered them to me, and I invited Cat and Jeff. We got there around 7, and I was surprised to see that the box had changed since last time I was there. They had completely renovated the inside. It looks way fancier now, and has a bigger fridge for drinks! The concert started off with Cute Is What We Aim For, a band I had never heard of. They were actually really good. Next up was Plain White T's, a band that I like. They were really good also. At the end of their set, I got a Plain White T's t-shirt (surprisingly enough, it wasn't that plain, but it was white) and a Fall Out Boy one also. Then Fall Out Boy came on, after a lot of stage prepping. The tour was called 'The Young Wild Things Tour', and the artwork used on stage was from the 'Where The Wild Things Are' children's book, but with the band members faces edited into the regular characters bodies. It was very well done. They had videos for every song they played, the majority of which were based on the Wild Things theme, and even one involving Happy Tree Friends (a very morbid internet cartoon that involves cute cuddly forest critters meeting horrible deaths while doing everyday activities. Check their site out if your curious, but not if you have a weak stomach www.happytreefriends.com). The videos didn't really have anything to do with the songs at all, but they were still good. I have some pics and video of it that I'll post later. After the concert we went to McDonald's for dinner, then headed home.

Saturday morning I drove Amanda to a math teachers conference at Ottawa U. I then went home and did laundry, then went back to pick her up from the conference later. We did a bit of shopping in the new shopping area close to our apartment called the Ottawa Train Yards. It's mainly womens clothing stores, with a few other stores thrown in (like a shoe store, an eyeglasses store, a golf store, a dollar store and a Subway). Later in the evening Angie dropped off her two kids for the night while she and Robin went to the Bon Jovi concert. We did usual babysitting stuff with them: watched TV, played games, ate pizza for dinner and pancakes for breakfast. I think they had a good time, and they were well behaved, but one night is enough for awhile.

Sunday we watched more TV with the kids, then I went a returned a DVD player I got a couple weeks ago that suddenly stopped working. I also finally picked up some new wipers for the Jeep, and some new headlights, after they both died on me last Friday night night coming home form work (well, not both at once. One was already dead from a couple weeks ago, I've just been too lazy to fix it). After I got home, we got ready to head out to a birthday gathering for Amanda's thesis prof Jeff. A bunch of people from the lab met at Doleys to play pool. There ended up being about 15 people show up, so we got a few tables going, and had a great time. After that, a couple of us went to the Keg for a birthday dinner for Jeff. It was great! I had the prime rib classic, with cheesy ranch garlic mashed potatoes and a caesar salad. I'd never had prime rib before, and it was delicious! After dinner we went to Jeff and Sabrina's place for some delicious ice cream cake!Yum! After that we went home and watched more TV.

So I think this weekend coming up might be the first weekend in awhile where we don't have anything planned. No...wait......never mind, I forgot, it's games night time! Our once a month get together where we play various board or card games. It's always a fun time!

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