Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Long day on Saturday, a bit slower on Sunday.

Saturday was a really long day, but it was a fun day. We had made plans last week with Amy and Julie to go see a play in Kingston, so the day started with us heading down to Greely to meet them. We then drove (well, actually Amy drove. Thanks Amy!) to Kingston using the back roads, which I have never done. It's not that much different than taking the 401, other than you go through more towns. We got to Kingston around 12, and went to Amy's boyfriend Mark's place. We stayed there for a bit, then headed out for some lunch at Taco Bell. After lunch we went to church where the play was being performed. We didn't know that it was going to be in a church until a couple days beforehand (originally I think it was supposed to be in a theater, but something was happening with the theater, so it was moved to the church). The play we saw was 'You're a good man Charlie Brown'. I admit I was a bit unsure going into the play about how they would make a live action musical out of a comic strip, but they did a really good job! It was weird seeing Charlie Brown played by a 40 year old man though, but he did a good job. The play didn't really have a main storyline, it was more individual sketches strung together, just like a comic strip. The play was very well done, and I kinda want to find a video of the original Broadway production.

After the play, we went to Montana's for some dinner, then dropped Mark and Amy off at Mark's place, and Julie drove home (thanks Julie!). We got home around 9:30.

We then got ready, and headed over to Ottawa U, where we went to a going-away party for our friend Steph. Both Amanda and I worked with her during our Subway years, and she's going to Thailand for awhile, so we decided to go to the party. It was in the residence room of another one of our Subway friends, Jess. Other than those two, and a third Subway friend (Catriona
) there was nobody there we knew. It was still a fun time though. At one point, all the people that lived in the res room ( I think there were 4 or 5 of them) had left to go clubbing, leaving behind about 10 people, none of who lived there. We left the party around 1am and headed home for some much needed sleep.

Sunday we got to sleep in a little, and I watched a bit of T.V, but then we were off again! We went to Carleton and Amanda fed the locusts, then we went to Amanda's parents place. Once there, we headed to the Third World Bazaar with Amanda's mum. It was the final day, so it was pretty busy. It was pretty much the same stuff as always. I saw a few things that I wanted, and one thing I really wanted! It was a statue of Yoda made out of scrap iron. It was about 8 inches tall, and really neat looking! I was going to get it, but it was $150!! I think if the Bazaar wasn't closing that day, I probably would have gone back the next day to get it. I don't think Amanda was too impressed with it though. Maybe it'll be back next year.

After that we went to my parents for dinner with them and Cat and Jeff. We didn't stay too long there because Amanda was going to a choir concert later with some of the people from her lab. I drove her to that, which was downtown, then went home and did nothing. So it was a pretty busy weekend, which was nice because there wasn't a lot of sitting around thinking of something to do. On the other hand though, it was so busy that I didn't have time to the laundry like I normally do on Saturday mornings, so now I have to do it one night this week.

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