Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Party last Friday, Comedy for a Cause last night

Last Saturday Amanda and I had our first party at our new apartment. I was an awesome party! Thanks to everyone for coming out. We had about 20 some people come, which we were worried that it was going to be a tight fit getting that many people into our apartment, but it actually worked out really nice. We had a wide range of people there, from school friends, family and work people. Everybody seemed to have a good time, and we only had security come up once from a complaint. It was around 10:30, and I just happened to be near the door when the security guard knocked, so I answered it (beer in hand of course). At first I thought he was saying that the party was too loud, but finally realized that it was just out on the balcony we were being too loud. I told him I would quiet it down, and he said that the actually party didn't have to quite down until 11, cause apparently thats the noise curfew in the apartment. When he left, I realized that there hasn't really been anybody out on the balcony, except for two smokers. The funny thing is that we got louder as the night went on, but had no other complaints! Alex was kind enough to bring his Xbox 360 with him, and Guitar Hero 2, which is a fun game. I discovered that I am a horrible guitar player when I drink! Also I discovered that I really want to get an Xbox 360, and any Guitar Hero game, but I don't have the money yet because it needs to go to more important things, like rent and gas to get to work. One day though I'll get one. Pixie absolutely loved the party! She wasn't really scared at all and was out looking for attention all night long. She got tons of attention, and didn't spend much time outside of people arms. So overall the party was a ig success and nothing got broken which is always a good thing!

On Sunday we were at Amanda's parents house for dinner, and Amanda was looking through the newspaper and just happened to spot a very small blurb on a comedy event with Mike MacDonald. The name sounded really familiar, so I checked it out online on Monday, and it turns out that I've seen him a bunch of times on Just for Laughs, and a couple other shows on the Comedy Network. He was headlining an event called Comedy for a Cause, something thats been happening for the past three years. All the proceeds from the tickets go to ALS society. It was held at the Bronson Center, which I've passed many times on the street, but have never been inside. Looking online it sounded like a small shopping center, with some businesses and a theater. Walking into it, my first thought was that it was a high school. We didn't see a whole lot of it, because the theater is right in front of the main doors. There were three opening acts (four if you count the MC). The MC and two of the opening acts were good, an the third was ok. Mike kinda started out a bit slow I thought, but quickly picked it up and was putting on a great show! He was probably performing for a good hour and a half, which passed by quickly. All in all it was a very good night out for a Tuesday.

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