Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pixie, the mischievous devil kitten

Yes, Pixie is still the devil, but he must be getting bored inside the body of a cute little kitten. When we came home from Kingston on Saturday, we searched around for her, but couldn't find her. We started getting worried, but then she started to meow. It was coming from the bedroom, but as much as we looked, she couldn't be found! Amanda finally tracked the scared meowing to inside the bed. At first I thought she meant like under the covers or something, but no, Pixie was inside the bed! As soon as she knew we found her, she switched from scared little kitten, to crazy playful kitten, and started playing with us running our hands over the box spring. She had either made a hole herself, or found an existing hole on the bottom of the box spring, and climbed up inside. Amanda was freaking out, and was ready to cut the whole thing open to get her out, but I decided to look for the hole, and try to get her out that way. I found the hole pretty close to the edge of the bed, and put my hand up, which was immediately attacked by Pixie. She continued to play with my hand while I tried to grab her, with no luck. Amanda discovered a few days before that she likes treats now (she wouldn't eat them when we first got her, but that might have been because of the cold she had), so I got her to grab them from the kitchen. I once again stuck my hand up (which was again attacked) into the hole, but this time with a treat for her.I let her smell it, and try to eat it, but I slowly pulled my hand out the hole, and she followed. It was kinda disturbing watching her come out the small hole, cause it looked like the bed was giving birth to our kitten! Amanda had a talking with her to never go in there again, but I doubt it will work, so now every time we leave for the day, we make sure the bedroom door is closed. That now leaves her the kitchen, living room, bathroom and hall to run around in.

Then, last night we couldn't find her again, until I looked in the bathroom. There she was, sleeping in th sink! She just lay there looking at me, being super cute, so I had to take some pictures! Here's one of them. Isn't she super cute? It's hard to believe the devil lives inside there.
This morning, the devil came back, and hid the cuteness away. At around 6:30 we woke up to a crash. I immediately knew it was Pixie, so I went into the kitchen to investigate. Last night we had pork chops, that I cooked in a glass dish in the oven. Amanda was busy with school work last night, so she soaked the dishes, leaving the glass dish on the counter, full of water. I guess Pixie decided that she didn't want regular water this morning, so she went for the soap and Diana Sauce flavoured water. Unfortunately, she must have gotten over eager, cause she somehow made the dish fall to the floor. Surprisingly the dish didn't break! Which is good, cause we use it a lot. It did leave a not-so-nice mess of dirty water all over the kitchen floor though, soaking out mat we have under the sink. I didn't even bother starting to clean it up yet, cause I wanted to show Pixie what she had done, and rub her face in it a bit. I didn't have to do that though, cause it looks like most of the water had landed on her, cause she now looked liked the proverbial drowned rat! I still picked her up, showed her the mess, yelled at her and threw her into it. She ran off, not to be seen for awhile ( I later discovered that she went back into the bed). I then moped up the mess, and threw the mat outside on the balcony, and went back to sleep.

She's also gotten into the habit of randomly attacking our legs. We can be walking around, not even that close to her, and she will just decide that our leg has to die! Usually its one of those 'stand on two legs and hop onto the leg' type of attacks, but sometimes she'll launch her whole body onto your leg, realize it's way to big for her, and then run off. You can never tell when she might attack, so we're always on our guard. Do they make Ritalin for kittens?

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