Monday, September 24, 2007


This weekend was awesome! Well, at least up until yesterday. Really it started on Thursday with the Sens game from the Tomlinson box. The view from the box is great. I never really noticed how close you actually are to the ice, cause I've only been there for concerts. The game itself was ok. I'm not a huge hockey fan, so I didn't really know what was going on, cause there was no commentary. The real fun part was just hanging out with the people from accounting outside of work. There was food and drinks also, so that made it even better.

Friday night was the Rush concert. I don't really know a lot of Rush songs, so I wasn't sure how I would like it going into the concert. It was actually a really good concert! There was no opening band which is good, cause then it's always a really long time before the band actually comes on. The best part of the show was the visual stuff. They had three giant screens as the backdrop on the stage, which usually was close ups of the band, but for some songs they had other things going on (one of the songs involved a dragon which blew flames toward the screen, and then actual flame appearing on the stage, it was awesome!!). The lighting was unbelievable, they had 5 movable sets of light that could be raised and lowered and tilted around. They had about 7 jets of flame that sprung up every now and then, and a few songs with lasers (check out the video below, sorry about the crazy movements, but I was trying to do it without the usher seeing me, cause he yelled at me for taking pictures. Also, the sound on my camera isn't the best, so it would probably be good to turn the volume down). The best part of the show for me was the drum solo. It was just the drummer playing for about 10 minutes (at least it felt like 10 mins to me). He was sitting in a drum set that went 390 degrees around him, with a larger than regular drum set in the front, and then it spun around and had an electric drum set, and some different percussion instruments. It was amazing! One thing confused me though, and still does confuse me. They had three ovens on stage, and they were cooking chickens in them. I counted, and I believe they had 54 chickens slowly turning to cooked perfection. There was even a cook that came out on stage every now and then to check on them. It was very weird! We left around 11:15, and they were still playing their 5th encore song.

Saturday, Amanda went to her parents house, and I stayed home and didn't really do much, other than watch some Dr. Who and walk to Wal-Mart. That night we were heading to a house warming party for Allison, and we got invited to a pre-party BBQ at Scott's place. I decided that I was going to be the DD for the night, but was easily convinced to stay over at Scott's so that I could drink. I started off with beer, and was doing fine. Then we took out the Jagermeister, and that ended up being my downfall for the night. The party started at 9, but we decided to be fashionably late, and didn't head over to the party till about 10:30. It wasn't far from Scott's, so we decided to walk it, drinking beer and Jagermeister along the way. The party was awesome. I don't really remember much about it, on account of all the drinks. I don't even know how much I drank, but it feels like I had about half of a 26oz of the Jagermeister, straight out of the bottle. Definitely one of the best parties I've been to. While at the party, I decided to write in my blog from my Blackberry. I did three posts, but only left one on because the other two were completely unreadable. If you were lucky enough to be reading my blog between 2 am and about 11 am on Sunday, then you got to read all three of them. Thank you again to Allison and her roommates for the awesome party!

Sunday morning was not fun. actually all of Sunday was pretty bad. It was filled with sleeping, trying to help Amanda with a school project (which we did get finished eventually) and picking up Mitzy for two weeks. My parents have gone to Turkey for a week to visit one of my mums friends, and then they are going to England for another week to visit family and friends. While they are gone, Amanda and I decided to take my cat Mitzy to the apartment with us to see how we do with a cat, because we are thinking of getting a kitten soon. Mitzy really hates traveling in her carrier, and meowed horrible most of the way to the apartment. When we finally got there, she explored our hall, then the bedroom, and then stayed under the bed for a long time. We finally got her out, and closed the bedroom door so that she would have to explore the rest of the apartment, and hopefully get used to it. She did explore a bit, but then decided to hide out behind the toilet for a while. By the time we were going to bed, she had become more comfortable, and actually slept on the bed with us.

This morning I woke up thinking that I was fine, but then realized that I actually wasn't I really didn't want to come into work, but knew that I had to. So here I am now, just finished lunch, and ready to head out to Moodie to pick up my laptop that has been getting fixed since the 4th. And now apparently I have to go to a bank to pay something for work!! Yippee!!

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