Monday, September 17, 2007


So this weekend started off at Amanda's parents for dinner on Friday night, then a visit to Angies place to see the kids new rabbit.

Nothing much happened Saturday during the day, other than Amanda quitting her job at Petsmart (which only consisted of one day of training). We went over to Catriona and Jeff's on Saturday night. A month or so ago we decided to have a games night once a month, hosted at each others houses, and Saturday was their turn. We decided that it would also be a drinking night. We had a great dinner, and then started into the games. We played IQ 2000 first, which is a trivia game from the '80's. I think if we hadn't had been drinking, we would have stopped playing very early. The point of the game is to travel along the path on the board by answering trivia questions based on anything from geography to politics, fairy tails to spelling, and everything in between. Some of the questions were ridiculously easy (Spell 'banana') and others were ridiculously hard ( I can't remember any right now, cause they were ridiculously hard, and I was drinking, but there was some American politic stuff that was really hard). The game went on for a long time, with Jeff winning in the end, and many more drinks being drunk. After that we played a couple rounds of a$$hole, and then started watching Black Books (a British comedy starring Bill Bailey, a hilarious Brittish comedian). After a couple episodes of that, we went to bed.

Sunday morning started off with a hearty McDonalds breakfast! The day was pretty uneventful after that (Amanda slept, and I watched some Dr. Who) until the afternoon. Ryan was having some computer problems, so he brought that over for me to take a look at, and then we went to pool. Pool was fun as it always is, and I finally decided to get myself a membership to Dooley's. Apparently I now will get some free pool, free food, and other free stuff throughout the year, as well as discounted pool. After pool, Amy came over for dinner, and we watched Stand by Me. I have never seen it, and it actually wasn't that bad. It was neat to see some big actors as children. We also watched part of Anchorman, but it was starting to get late.

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