Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Time management courses, are they a waste of time?

So for the past week I've been getting the same question from a lot of people at the office; "Are you going on Thursday?" and my reply is always the same; "What's going on Thursday?". It turns out that half of the office is going to a Time Management course, held at the Centurion Center. I assumed I wouldn't be going, because I had heard anything about it. So today whenever anybody would ask me "are you going tomorrow?" I would then answer, no. And when they ask why not, I would tell them that nobody had invited me. Then about half an hour ago I get an e-mail from Matt saying 'I'm sending you in my place'. Reading further down, it was the e-mail about the course. So now I am going. It'll be fun, because it's all day at the Centurion Center, with a free continental breakfast, and a buffet lunch, so it should be a fun day. The downside is that I won't be able to take my laptop, so it'll be a full day without it, but I'll have the Blackberry, so I wont be completely without some form of electronic mind-melting apparatus. After writing that last bit, I realize that I am addicted to technology and gadgets, which probably isn't a good thing. At least I'm not addicted to the point that if I don't use them, I will go absolutely mad, or am I? I guess I'll find out tomorrow! Speaking of which, I'll probably do at least one blog entry of how my day is going, or if it's really not that interesting, I'll do a couple more.

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