Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The devil hates Christmas

That's right, the devil is still inside our little kitten, and this time it's attention has turned to ruining Christmas for everyone. Well, not quite everyone, just Amanda and I. Amanda was getting ready to head out this morning (I had already left for work) when she heard a crash, and then another. She went to investigate, and discovered our Christmas tree (a small fake one, located on a table in the living room) lying on the floor, with ornaments scattered around, and one of her small plants, with soil and broken plate fragments scattered around it. She sprayed Pixie with the spray bottle we keep around just or occasions like this, but Pixie decided she wanted to play instead of being punished, so she started hiding as if to do sneak attacks, and playing with the ornaments and stuff. Amanda was not pleased, and neither was I when I heard about it. Neither of us have paid much attention to her tonight (except me telling her she was a bad kitten when I got home) in the hopes that she will learn her lesson. She probably wont, but we'll try to teach it to her anyways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need Catriona's psyco-analytical skills