Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tomlinson Christmas Party

Every year around the beginning of December, Tomlinsons throws a big fancy Christmas party at the Centurion Center (a conference center/banquet hall that they own). This years party was on Saturday. It was lots of fun. The party is for all employees of Tomlinsons, so there was about 500-600 people there. They had an open bar with beer, coolers, liquor juice and pop (nothing too fancy, but still good stuff) which was only closed once at the beginning of dinner, which caused a slight panic at my table, as we were out of drinks! Dinner was amazing! It started with meat and veggie cannelloni, followed by a spinach, mandarin and pecan salad with some weird poppyseed dressing. Then came the main course: veal t-bones. I had heard ahead of time we were having veal, so I was expecting a thin, half centimeter thick piece of veal, but was quite surprised when they came with a fill inch thick t-bone! And it was delicious! Angie wasn't too impressed that it was veal, so she didn't eat hers, and gave it to me instead. Dessert, I wasn't to happy with. It was an apple pastry concoction, with chocolate, raspberry and caramel sauce. The display was nice, because they put it on square plates, and made it look like it was a wrapped present, very clever. Unfortunately I'm not a big fan of cooked apple products. After that they brought out a band (not sure who they were) and had some disco lights going. The band was different. They played a mix of rock, country and Latin music. By 11:30 the girls had had enough of the weird music, and we left. So overall, it was a great night. Unfortunately I didn't get many pictures (I think I got about 5 of our table) of the event because the batteries died in my camera died.

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