Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Food has never tasted so good, as when it's fully cooked properly!

Eight. That's the number of months Amanda and I have been cooking on a stove that doesn't work properly.

Twenty. That's the number of minutes it would take to boil water on the stove that's already pre-boiled in the kettle.

Three. That's the number of work orders we've gotten to try to fix the stove.

Ten. Thant's the number of minutes it now takes to boil water from the tap.

Those are just some of the crazy stats about our stove. Now, here's the story;

When Amanda and I moved into our apartment in May of this year, we noticed the stove wasn't quite working upto par. So we setup a work order for them to fix it. They came up the next day and replaced the elements on top. Great, that should fix it (at least the burners on top). But no, it didn't do anything except give us clean elements. Nothing much else was done for awhile after that, because the office is open 8:30 - 4:30, and Amanda and I are usually out of the apartment working and going to school, so it was very hard to go back and complain. Finally one day when Amanda was down at the office taking care of some other business, she mentioned again that our stove wasn't working. This time though, we didn't hear anything back from them. Once again, school and work took precedence over going down to the office to get our stove fixed, so nothing happened for awhile. Then on Tuesday, Amanda had some time (now that she's done her practicum) to go visit them again, and get another work order. They said they would be up that afternoon, but didn't come up until yesterday afternoon. And lo and behold, we now have a working stove! Al they have written on the work order is that they fixed the wiring. What was wrong before (I believe) is that the bottom element in the stove wasn't working. This was confirmed when Amanda was preheating the over for dinner, and all the stuff that we had spilled before was burning off of the element. A little later on, I took over making dinner, and while I was waiting for the water to boil, I heard a funny noise, and smelt a funny smell coming from the kitchen. I soon discovered that the wrong element was turned on, and instead of boiling water, I was melting our plastic tongs that were sitting on the stove! I rescued them before they melted all the way through, but not before a large chunk had melted off. So now we can start following directions on food, instead of making up our own times, and hoping we don't burn/undercook it! Now, we should probably start doing something about our leaking fridge...

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