Monday, December 17, 2007


So I was all excited to go back to work after the holidays (I know, the holidays haven't even started yet) because I was going to have a new office, with a desk!! No more workbench that I have to share with a server, a switch, countless cables and random computers that I'm working on. It was going to be great!! I wouldn't have to fight my way through caffeine starved co-workers to get into my office, or listen to their conversations about the latest episode of ER or American Idol. Sure, I would be loosing the fridge conveniently located right outside my current "office" but it would be worth it. But then today, all my dreams were smashed into tiny pieces (about the same size as my work area on the workbench actually) when I found out that the renovations weren't going to happen over the Christmas break, if they ever actually do happen at all. The reason: managers. In one of their manager meetings, they decided to skip the renovations happening in the building, and do them at a later date. When is that later date? No one knows. Matt and I don't know the exact reason it's not happening, but we both aren't happy. I also found out today that we are getting a new server in tomorrow, which is awesome, except that I have to share my workbench with it. Great, even less room for me now! So now all I have to look forward to when I get back from holidays is a smaller work area, and my 5 foot tall chair that I need to jump up to get on, all because of the workbench, which is meant to be used while standing. At least the fridge will stay outside my office for awhile longer now.

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