Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Out with the old, in with the new!

Well, mum and dad came home yesterday, so that means that Mitzy also went home. She's gotten very comfortable here, and Amanda and I have gotten used to her being around, and we miss her now that she's gone. Because of this, we went to the Ottawa Humane Society on Saturday, and picked out a kitten! We are going tonight to finish the adoption process and pick her up. We can't wait!! The kitten we have chosen is a 4 month old brown tabby named Betty. I'm not overly happy with that name, so we're trying to come up with a better name for her. If anybody has any good name suggestions for her, please post them in the comments section. I kinda like the name Pixel, but Amanda doesn't really (as she says, the kitten isn't a computer :P). We went out to pickup all the necessary items or her on Saturday, and we've had some stuff donated for her (thanks Erin!). We are supper excited about getting her home. I'm definitely taking lots of pics of her, and I'll be posting some up probably tonight or tomorrow.

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