Monday, October 15, 2007

Kitten has a cold

Pixie is sick. We first noticed it the first night we had her. All she was doing then was sneezing a couple times. Now she's moved away from the sneezing and into this weird hacking/coughing/trying to remove her own lung type of noise. It was really freaky when I first heard it, but we've gotten used to it now. Amanda took her to the vet on Friday to get her second set of shots, and hopefully find out what was wrong with her. The vet said that she just had a cold, and the hacking noise is her trying to get rid of the stuff she gets in her throat from trying to breath through her stuffed nose. She couldn't get her shots because of the cold, but we got some antibiotics that we have to give her twice a day. I thought it was going to be a struggle to get her to take it, but its not that bad. It's a liquid that we need to inject into her mouth with a syringe (without the needle, just the tube part). We haven't seen her spitting the medicine up yet, so it must not be too bad. The cold makes her pretty easy to find now, cause all we need to do is be quiet for a minute, and you can hear her wheezy breathing. It's not so fun holding her though, cause you never know when she might decide to clear her throat and cover you with her snot.

Other than her cold, she's doing very well. She's made herself quite at home in the apartment, and is very bold. We have to lock her in the bedroom while we have diner, cause she will jump up on the table and want to eat right off our plates! She has also taken a liking to lying on my computer desk when someone is in the office, and she has started kicking things off the desk if they are in the way of her stretching or sleeping. She's crazy, but we love her.

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