Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New kitten has arrived!

Well, it took some fighting, but we got our new kitten last night! I had been calling the Humane Society all afternoon to see if they had been able to get a hold of our landlord to confirm that we are allowed a cat in the apartment, but kept getting the answering machine. Amanda left school around 4:30 and decided to stop into the office at the apartment to see if they had received the call from the Humane Society. They had received the call, but told them that we aren't allowed pets in the building. This was kinda weird, because when we signed the lease, we made sure we were allowed pets (we were told no dogs, but that wasn't a problem), and we have seen many dogs in the hallways, and a few cats. Amanda explained this to the receptionist at the office(the one that took the call from the Humane Society), but she said that people that all leases say no pets on them, and the people that have pets have had them since before the no pet policy (untrue, as we have seen many small puppies). So Amanda went over to our rental agent to ask her about it,but she said we would have to wait till the landlord was in, and he wasn't going to be in till the next day. Amanda was getting pretty upset by now, so she went up and got our lease, brought it down and showed the receptionist that it says nowhere that we aren't pets (turns out we actually could get a dog if we wanted, the only thing in the lease about pets is that we are responsible for them), and she told her to talk to our rental agent. So Amanda showed the lease to our rental agent, and she agreed to call the Humane Society to say that we are allowed a cat. We were still worried, because the person they talked to on the phone didn't seem to know anything about our adoption, and just wrote down our information to give to someone who would know.

We were worried when we got to the Humane Society that they wouldn't have gotten the information that we were allowed a cat, but they did, and we were allowed to take her. Not right away of course, because it was busy, and there were a couple other adoptions in front of us, so we got to spend some time with our new kitten. She didn't seem to like being in the big cage, so we got to take her out, but all she wanted to do was explore, and she was very squirmy and vocal. We each held her for a bit, and then put her in her carrying cage and waited our turn. Things went good after that, and we finally got up to talk to someone, and get all the right information. We left there around 7 and headed home with our new kitten, who wouldn't keep quiet the whole ride home.

One of things we were told was to keep her in the washroom for a couple days, and slowly let her explore the rest of the apartment, but we have a really small washroom, so we decided to let her roam around the whole apartment, and see how she did. She loved it. She seemed a little overwhelmed at first, but was soon off and checking everything out. She quickly discovered the box of toys we had, but seemed more interested in the box for a bit, but then started playing with the toys too. She explored the rest of the apartment (except the office, which is out of bounds for her because it's Buddy's room) and then was happy playing with her toys while Amanda and I watched Pushing Daisys (a really good new show). She would take breaks and sit with us for a bit, but would then be off playing again. When it was bed time, she went and slept in her little bed we got for her. She also slept on the bed with Amanda for a bit. This morning, she decided at 6:00 that she wanted some attention, so she woke me up, and I played with her a bit, but then she got bored and went off exploring again. She's being left on her own today while I'm at work, and Amanda goes to school, and we don't know how she will handle it. We heard her meowing at the door as we left this morning. We kitty-proofed the apartment as much as we could, so there shouldn't be too much that she can get into.

We decided last night that weare going to call her Pixie. No real significance, we just saw it and thought it was a good name. I still want to call her Pixel, but Pixie is close enough.

Here are some pics of her exploring, playing and resting. I'll get more of them up later, probably on Facebook, or Flikr.


Anonymous said...

Soooo cute! cant wait to see her


Anonymous said...

Awww!! She is so cute!!!!
