Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Crazy laundry lady

So I know it's been awhile since I've written anything (I'm working on an update post this week while off of work), but I just had to write about this!
So I'm on my week off of work, and I decided to do laundry today. So I head down to the laundry room in the basement, and as I suspected, Wednesdays are a good day to do laundry, there's only the first two machines being used. I head to the last set of machines, and use 5 of them. I head back down after the 26 minute wash cycle is complete expecting there to be no-one down there. To my surprise theres an old lady there, standing by the washing machines I'm using. She's just standing there, with a cart full of laundry. The machines I'm using are the only ones in use, so there were about 6 free machines at the front of the room, but she seems to be waiting for these machines. So I start taking the clothes out of the machine farthest from her and transferring them to the dryers. It felt like she was watching me the entire time. When I had emptied the first three machines, she moved over to the sink next to the first machine I was using and filled a spray bottle with water and got out a sponge. Then she just stayed at the sink and continued to watch me transfer clothes. When I had finished, and started loading the dryers with money, she moved to the last machine and started cleaning it out with the sponge and spray bottle. It was by far one of the most awkward times I've ever had doing laundry, and that includes the times I had to study people in laundromats for a sociology project in university! I've got about 15 minutes until I have to go back down there to get the laundry, and I hope that she's not there waiting for the dryers that I'm using!


So it turns out I underestimated the craziness of the crazy laundry lady, who I am now officially renaming the f#@*ing insane laundry lady! Apparently she can only use the last few machines in the laundry room, cause she waited for 35 minutes to use the machines that I was using, while there were 5 free machines! She had her washing machines open, and ready to go, but she was just standing there, watching me empty her precious dryers, waiting until I had closed the door on the last machine so she could start her drying. I wouldn't be surprised if half of her laundry was already dry from her waiting for her dryers to be free!! I guess I just don't understand some people.

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