Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Webpage Review; FriendFeed.com

If you like to share things on the net, but don't want to have to send links to different services to all your friends, FriendFeed is the site for you. It can take information from 43 different services, including Twitter, Digg, Google Reader, YouTube, and even personal blogs, and display it on one page. You can set what services get shared, and if you share them with everybody, or just your friends. You can view all of your friends feeds on one page, and yo ucan also see what everybody is posting. As long as a feed is made public, you can view it and comment on anything thats posted. It's a great way to get all of your stuff in one place.

I've been using it for about a month now (view my feed here), and it's great. So far nobody I know has setup a feed, but I have found a couple interesting ones to follow, and I always find interesting stuff by looking at what everybody is posting. It's kind of like Digg, except that it does alot more than sharing webpages!