Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cat Hotel

Amanda and I have opened up a cat hotel in our bathroom. It wasn't really something we decided to do, it just happened. We decided to take the stairs down, and go for a walk. When we got to the 9th floor, there was a cat sitting on the steps. We couldn't just leave it there, so we brought it to the apartment, and called the super. Apparently this type of thing happens often. Tenants decide they don't want their cat anymore, so they put them in the stairwells. That means that more likely than not, this cat isn't wanted. The super couldn't do anything tonight, but he's going to see what he can do by the morning. I'm thinking that means that he's going to see if he can get somebody to take it to the pound. So we're going to be keeping the cat overnight. We don't want it running around the apartment with Pixie, so we're keeping it in the bathroom for now. Amanda took a look at it, and it's a male and she figures it's around 1 year old. It doesn't look like it's been fixed, so we're assuming that it doesn't have any shots either.

At first Pixie didn't seem to know what was going on, but now she's staying outside of the bathroom door, wondering who is in there. I don't know whats going to happen to it, but if anybody wants a free cat, just gimme a call!


So the super came up this morning and took the cat away. Apparently there is a lady in the building that takes in cats and looks for a home for them. We let the cat run around this morning, and he and Pixie seemed to get along. Pixie followed him everywhere he went, but didn't trey fighting him. We're glad that he's gone to a good place, and not to the pound.