Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Crazy day.

Wow! Today was crazy!! It started out normally at work, nothing too exciting happened. I set up a laptop to replace one that was stolen last week, and did some small fixes for people around the office. Every Wednesday for lunch we get different meals that we can 'make ourselves'. Today was stir-fry day. It was rice and stir fried chicken and vegetables. It was really good. After lunch was when things started getting crazy. I was told that a printer wasn't working at one of our site trailers. Well, it's not really our trailer, it's the city of Ottawa's trailer, but we are doing the job, so we provided them with a printer and internet connection to keep them happy (they're paying for stuff out there, so we want to keep them really happy!). The trailer is right downtown at King Edward, just before the river. I knew it wasn't going to be fun, cause I wouldn't be going out there till later in the afternoon, and downtown traffic is crazy! I needed to finish a couple things on the laptop, and then I was going to head out to the trailer and then out to our field office out at Highway 7 (past Stittsville, right after Capital City Speedway). I got everything finished at the office around 2:30 and started heading out. The drive there wasn't too bad for traffic, and I got to the trailer around 4. I got the usual comments from the city guys about how things never work for them, and they always need to stay late because I never seem to make it there on time, but I know they're just joking around, so I start doing the usual to the printer: turning it off and on, reseting the router it's plugged into, etc. Turns out it got it's network address changed somehow (they all deny doing it), so I changed it back and was out of there. I then had to get from there to Hwy 7. Not an easy task in downtown Ottawa at 4:30! It took me a good hour and a half to get through the field office with much cursing and swearing from me at the traffic lights and other cars. If the horn was working on the Jeep, I would definitely have used it a lot! When I finally got to the field office, the guy I was supposed to meet wasn't even there, and I had to have him there to tell him some information about the laptop. While I waited I chatted with the other guys out there, and had to hear many complaints about how slow their network is. The guy finally got there around 6:20, and I showed him all the stuff and left. By this time the big storm had come in, and I had to drive along the 417 in the poring rain. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I got to see lots of cool lightning strikes along the way. I finally made it home just after 7. Oh ya, I guess I should mention that tonight we had planned to see a movie with some friends form Amanda's lab. That plan got kinda screwed up with me getting home really late, but we're still going to see a movie!! Unfortunately there were no movies on at 8, so we've had to wait till 9 to see something. We're heading out soon, and I think we're seeing Knocked Up. I'll try to write a review tommorow about it.

My First Blog

Hey everyone out there in cyberworld! Welcome to my very first blog! I've been wanting to start one for awhile, and I chose today to be the day! This blog isn't going to be about anything in particular, just about me and what I do all day. It probably won't be very interesting cause I work all day, and don't get up to much at night, but I'll try to make it interesting!